We help develop leaders who bring out the best in themselves by serving common, student-led goals.
Specialized Student Support Services
EduCare provides Specialized Student Support Services in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD’s) Beyond the Bell Division.
These programs focus on case management, leadership and service learning, English language learners support, and substance abuse prevention and intervention.
Specialized Student Support Services represent a range of comprehensive initiatives, designed to address at-risk student populations by encouraging and supporting student leaders who serve student-led goals.
EduCare is proud to be an ongoing participant in each of these important projects.
Case Management provides regular, individualized social-emotional support for the most at-risk students.
Take Action Campaign (TAC) combines arts, civics, and leadership, facilitates service learning, and empowers student leaders’ events.
Language in Action Program (LAP) is an afterschool program providing language-focused activities, strengthening English language development, improving self-confidence, and increasing overall involvement in school.
Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program (TUPE) motivates and assists students to reduce or quit smoking.
Advocates for Healthy Choices Program (AFHC) is comprised of student leaders who coordinate campaigns to raise awareness amongst their peers on the harmful effects of tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes and vaping pens.
Students served through Specialized Student Support Services, 2018-2019
1 in 5 young people in the U.S. are alone after the school day ends.
Effective SEL programs, like EduCare’s, are reported to have a return on investment (ROI) of $11 for every $1 invested.
Would you like more information and costs?
If you’d like to learn more about EduCare’s Specialized Student Services, we invite you to fill out the form and click “submit.” We’ll be in touch!