The Impact of Love on Education
Heartset® Education is love in action.
Heartset Education, EduCare's unique platform for social-emotional learning (SEL), instills kindness within the learning environment, allowing students to thrive. It empowers students to achieve excellence in personal, social, and academic pursuits while building a school culture of empathy and caring – making love the foundation of education.
In high schools with strong SEL programs, 88% of students felt motivated to work hard and do their best in school, compared to 39% of students in “low SEL” schools.*
ACE Initiative, ACE Program, ACE Heartbeats
Our comprehensive, school-based SEL program, ACE Initiative, is currently in 14 high schools, serving 11,000+ students. We reach 2,000+ additional students every year with SEL workshops.
A 2021 case study by Learning Policy Institute of an EduCare ACE Initiative high school in LAUSD found that that, despite serving a more disadvantaged student population, the school outperformed their LAUSD peer schools on academic performance, graduation rates, and healthy mindsets and habits.
For example:
• 97% of students graduated from high school, compared to 82% in the district.
• 95% of students completed eligibility coursework for California’s public university system, which nearly doubled the district rate.
Afterschool and Summer Programs
EduCare manages afterschool and summer programs at 31 middle and high schools, located on 23 school sites, across Southern California. EduCare’s academic, enrichment, and fitness classes support student success and build connections beyond the classroom.
We are the largest provider of high school afterschool programs for Los Angeles Unified School District. And we continue to expand our effective afterschool programs, offered at zero cost, to more students across the region.
“EduCare and the programs
they offer have helped me get out of
my comfort zone and become less shy.
I now consider myself a social person
and strong leader thanks to EduCare.”
Case Management and Specialized Projects
EduCare provides supplemental academic, health, and family support for students most in need, including English Language Learners and youth who are experiencing homelessness or are in foster care. EduCare currently reaches over 550 students with these additional supports.
Professional Development
As a leader in the field of SEL, EduCare actively supports teachers and educators in incorporating SEL principles into the classroom to foster kind, compassionate, and effective learning environments.
Parent Support
By engaging families through bilingual parent orientations, workshops, and individual outreach, we meet the specific needs of families and create an intergenerational partnership in student well-being and success.
“Our programs provide students
with a safe environment, a positive
social atmosphere, and the
resources and support
to gain quality knowledge.”
A UCLA case study of EduCare's ACE showed:
• Teachers experienced positive changes in students’ self-respect (96%), self-esteem (92%), and school engagement (86%).
• Students were more cooperative (96%), responsible (86%), kind/caring (92%), and had improved sensitivity and friendship skills (93%).
“EduCare has made a great impact
on my life in terms of learning,
feeling safe, asking for help, and
much more. Being in the
EduCare program changed my life
in many ways.”
*Jennifer L. DePaoli, Matthew N. Atwell, John M. Bridgeland & Timothy P. Shriver, Respected Perspectives of Youth on High School & Social and Emotional Learning, referenced in Social Emotional Learning, Teens and Afterschool Programs (Sam Piha & Samantha Fasen, Temescal Associates)