EduCare Legacy Gifts
When you add EduCare Foundation to your estate plans, we ask that you please let us know you have done so. You then become a member of the EduCare Foundation Legacy Society. Your legacy of support will ensure that young people are provided with the EduCare programs and services that will assist them to thrive for many years to come.
You become an EduCare Legacy Society member when you:
Add EduCare Foundation to your will or trust as a direct beneficiary, in any amount or percentage,
Make EduCare Foundation a beneficiary on any account (investment, bank, retirement, or insurance policy).
To notify us and join the EduCare Legacy Society, just complete and send us your enrollment form, using either the online version or the PDF version. It’s easy to do…and it’s free!
Lifetime membership
Since all bequests and legacy gifts represent a lifetime commitment to EduCare Foundation, membership in the EduCare Foundation Legacy Society is for life. And, as a Legacy Society member, you will be recognized in a variety of discreet, sensitive ways throughout the years, and you will be invited to attend special events at EduCare, allowing us to thank you in person.
To learn more about how you can leave your legacy through EduCare, please contact Michael Rawson, EduCare’s Fund Development Director, at (360) 646-5239 or email
Thank you for supporting EduCare Foundation and creating a better future!
“As a childless senior and EduCare donor, what EduCare represents to me is hope. Hope for a better world. And EduCare gives me the opportunity to faithfully nurture that hope. Young people are our future. ”
“With EduCare you can see the results. If you’re going to choose to have a significant impact, impact the young ones. Because it goes on and on and on, to their children and their grandchildren. For me it’s a no-brainer. To the extent that I can be of any assistance to this vision and this manifestation, here I am!”