President's Message: Finding Balance in Uncertain Times | Stu Semigran
News from the Field: ACE Programs | 2021 in review
News from the Field: Afterschool Programs | Ramping Up
Spotlight on Staff: Magaly Barajas
Special Thanks: Supporters & Partners
Community Calendar
Finding Balance in Uncertain Times
Stu Semigran
Can we find ourselves to be a steadying force during these whirlwind times?
Entering into this new year with so much in flux, with uncertainties and challenges being thrust upon us each day, how can we find a sense of peace and stability? Our children need us now more than ever, but we may feel that we are floundering or ill equipped. Can we find ourselves to be a steadying force during these whirlwind times?
Perhaps the very first step is taking care of ourselves: when we take care of ourselves, we can help take care of others. As we support our own emotional and mental health and resilience, we can then be more available to truly be there for others.
As Arianna Huffington recently wrote in her blog, Resilience+ Is My Word of the Year, “… just as boosters are essential for our physical immunity, a daily process of strengthening our resilience is essential for our emotional and mental immunity.”
As we commit to our self-care and social-emotional health, this naturally influences our resilience, our relationships with ourself and with others, and guides our life decisions. Our teaching and parenting become more than just a collection of lectures, lesson plans, or activities. It becomes a way of teaching... a way of parenting… a way of being... a way of living. As authentic role models, we then can deeply assist our children and our students in their learning to navigate and strengthen their positive emotional and mental health. Our attention to our self-care is at the core.
EduCare Foundation teaches “Eight Skills for Heartset® Education,” tools for self-care through self-awareness, mindfulness, self-forgiveness, and empathetic listening. When these become our personal baseline, then we can create a kind and compassionate climate at school and at home that impacts, sustains, and elevates our children. As we develop a deeper positive regard (honoring and caring) for ourselves, then we can have a mindset and a heartset that really sees the best in our children and their aspirations. We can see the possibilities of their bright future, at times when they don't even see it for themselves. From our growth Heartset, we are compassionate sparks that support and lift both our young people and ourselves.
News from the Field: ACE Programs
2021 in Review
Students and teachers gather for one of the first in-person ACE Workshops in 2021.
“EduCare’s ACE Initiative showed great promise in supporting students as they grow and achieve mastery in social and emotional growth and learning as well as success in school achievements.”
2021 presented its own unique set of challenges for EduCare’s ACE (Achievement and Commitment to Excellence) Programs: When would in-person learning begin again? How would our programs need to adapt to new circumstances and guidelines? How would we continue to have a positive impact on young people’s lives, giving them the tools and resources to not just get through the year, but to thrive?
During July of 2021, we continued to make ACE Heartbeats (created in response to the pandemic as a way to introduce EduCare’s Eight Heartset® Skills in an interactive online setting) available.
And in the fall semester, after more than a year of online-only programs, ACE again offered in-person workshops in September 2021. What a joy to be able to see students and teachers in real life!
Here is an overview of ACE during 2021 (both virtual and in-person):
ACE Programs
ACE Heartbeats
6 Virtual Sessions, reaching 120 students at one high school
70 in-person workshops, reaching 455 students at 7 elementary schools and 3 high schools
ACE Programs (3-day)
14 Programs, reaching 1,426 Students at 8 high schools and 2 middle schools
ACE Workshops (1-day)
24 Workshops, reaching 2,088 students at 14 high schools
ACE/Heartset Professional Development
22 Workshops, reaching over 500 teachers
ACE Initiative
In 2021, ERC released its most recent evaluation of ACE Initiative, our comprehensive, integrated, year-long program of student services, professional development, and parent services that builds ACE principles into school culture. The report notes that several key benchmarks at the focus school (Social Justice Humanitas Academy, Los Angeles Unified School District) improved significantly: GPA, credits earned, and school attendance.
In addition, the report states that “ACE Initiative provided a foundation for students to develop social and emotional skills as well as supporting them academically and in pursuing college goals.”
Learn more about the ACE Programs here.
Related post: ERC Evaluation
News from the Field: Afterschool Programs
Ramping Up with Safety in Mind
Students at Sylmar High School (LAUSD) share their latest creations.
Safety and health remain priorities for EduCare’s Afterschool Programs as 2022 gets off to a dynamic start. While shifting public health requirements have presented some significant scheduling challenges as the pandemic lingers on, we have continued to actively provide Afterschool Programs at all 31 EduCare partnering school sites in both Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and Lynwood School District.
After the holiday break, we returned to all campuses in January, with a full range of afterschool activities. Students are now engaging in academic tutoring, mental health support, dance, fitness, band, theater arts, leadership, and so much more.
All EduCare staff members are taking active precautions to maintain on-campus safety: from PCR testing, to seating charts that maintain social distancing, to providing sanitation stations for each activity, we are following all public health guidelines.
Stay tuned as we begin to highlight Afterschool activities in future issues of the newsletter.
Learn more about EduCare’s Afterschool Services here.
Spotlight on Staff
Your introduction to Magaly Barajas begins with her infectious, slightly impish smile. It is warm, enthusiastic, and invites you to join her – because you just know that if you do, you’ll be smiling, too. Time and again, her students rave about the way “Miss Magaly” made sure they got their college application done, or provided emotional, non-judgmental support during hard times, and how they all know just how much she truly cares for them.
Outspoken and passionate about righting injustices during college, she began to work with groups advocating for causes in which she believed. After graduation – and following a stint in culinary school – she discovered her passion for working with youth. One thing led to another, and she joined the EduCare family in 2014.
In 2016, working closely with a student group to develop the activities that would best engage and support youth, she launched the Afterschool Program at Firebaugh High School in Lynwood. Students let her know what’s working and what needs course correction, and provide the very best “marketing” for afterschool programs by getting their peers to jump in.
This year, Magaly has found that as students returned to on-campus learning, their biggest need is for social reconnection, not just with each other, but with teachers and school staff as well. Afterschool activities provide much-needed, shared activities. Cheer & dance is wildly popular, as are theater and fitness. Other popular afterschool activities include academic tutoring and leadership support.
Magaly’s natural outspokenness has led to advocacy for afterschool funding. Particularly focused on funding for afterschool staff – since afterschool programs depend on student connection with staff who engage, encourage, and uplift students – Magaly excels in developing effective talking points when she connects with politicians in Sacramento, and, even more important, their staff.
When Magaly isn’t connecting with students at Firebaugh, or contributing to meetings with EduCare’s Fund Development Committee, or engaging in afterschool advocacy, she is busy raising her very active 4-year-old daughter.
Thank you, Magaly, for your energy, your wisdom, and your smile – and for the profound difference you make in the lives of students every day!
Special Thanks: Supporters & Partners
In recent months, our hearts and our work have been lifted by the generous support of our individual donors and our community and foundation partners. Thanks to you, we met our full year-end fundraising match challenge and we’re bringing in additional resources to assist our students.
We extend an enormous thank you to our individual donors who contributed to our 2021 year-end campaign. Together we secured our full matching fund and raised over $100,000 for youth services. Your donations provide students with heart-centered social-emotional development programs, mentoring, academic enrichment, and so much more. Thank you!
Thank you to all those who so generously support our students!
We are also deeply grateful to our 2021 community and foundation partners:
The Ahmanson Foundation
Annenberg Foundation
California Community Foundation
Compass Cares Westside Community Fund
Gary Saltz Foundation
Great Public Schools Now
Green Dot Public Schools
Johnny Carson Foundation
Los Angeles Unified School District, Beyond the Bell Division
Lynwood Unified School District
Omron Delta Tau Data Systems
Rose Hills Foundation
Royal Business Bank
Sherman Oaks Womens Club
TCIG Pacific Insurance Services
Travelers Foundation
Vanguard Charitable
Weingart Foundation
W.M. Keck Foundation
Your support is enabling us to deepen the scope and scale of services in response to the need in our communities.
Thank you all for joining with us in lifting the lives of our young people!
Community Calendar
ACE Senior Retreat
Social Justice Humanitas Academy
Tuesday, January 25
Heartset® Education Podcast, featuring Stu Semigran
End of January
Always Better Than Yesterday interviews the Co-Founder & President of EduCare
LAUSD Academic Decathlon Awards Ceremony
Saturday, February 12
How Kids Learn Forum
Wednesday, February 23 (tentative)
Heartset for Self-Care and Resiliency