President's Message | Putting Hope and Kindness Front and Center | Stu Semigran
Get to Know EduCare | Above and Beyond in Afterschool
Making a Difference with Summer Programs | Bridging between school years
Meet the Author! | Heartset Education, Stu Semigran's newest book
Stand Up for Students | Support AB1113
Calendar of Events

President’s Message:

Putting Hope and Kindness Front and Center

Stu Semigran

“Hope springs eternal” can be an over-used cliché or a simple reminder of the freshness and newness of Spring: the beauty of nature and life emerging from the coldness and dormancy of winter...a sense of new life and dynamic beginnings. With springtime comes renewal and rebirth. It offers a chance to come out of hibernation, to blossom, and to give birth to the promise of new life – where hope springs eternal.

What if, in "springing forward", we choose to look more often at ourselves through affirming eyes (by practicing gentle self-forgiveness), as well as at the people and situations around us? What if we seed Heartset® skills by practicing honoring and seeing the best in another, moving from judgment to forgiveness, and the skills of giving and receiving? We can choose to look for the good in ourselves, in each other, and in all situations. We can approach challenges as welcome opportunities for learning and advancement. Years ago, I read a quote chalked on a blackboard in a fellow teacher's classroom that stayed with me. It read, “Valuable opportunities are often cleverly disguised as problems." Hope springs eternal when we decide to look for the good in everyone and in all situations. 

Optimism, proactive constructive behavior, gratefulness, and generosity are the signs of Spring's renewal. One of the best pieces of wisdom I received when EduCare was first getting off the ground was the challenge to "look upon a field of brown and white from the winter and see into the harvest." I took this to mean holding strong and persevering through lean times during our nonprofit's start-up. I also took it to mean looking beneath the surface of a child who someone might have labelled as a “problem kid,” and seeing their deeper goodness beyond their expressions of upset, fear, hurt, or anger.  

This Spring, I invite us all to approach problems and challenging times (and people) by pausing and appreciating the real promise and fullness of the goodness around us and in all we meet; to always stay open to learning, growing, and reaching out to express our positivity and caring. In service to our young people and to ourselves, let our hope and kindness lead the way!

Get to Know EduCare

Afterschool Staff Go Above and Beyond

EduCare's vibrant afterschool program is anchored by 300+ dedicated afterschool staff members in 44 partnering school programs, serving both middle and high schools. Starting in 2023, we've been honoring those staff members who have gone Above and Beyond. These are individuals who have been chosen for the extraordinary support they have given students – going Above and Beyond! 

We'd like to introduce you to the outstanding afterschool staff members who have been honored thus far in 2023.

Making a Difference with Summer Programs

Summer is right around the corner, and we are making plans to offer over 2,000 students the chance to attend transformative EduCare summer “bridge” programs. With your support, we can provide a joyful, healing, and fun experience that assists our young people in opening doors to new possibilities. 

Stay tuned for updates – or donate today! Just $50 sponsors a student to take part in these enriching summer programs. Your donation can directly transform a young person’s life. Join us in providing every child a happy, healthy, and joyful summer. Let’s make a difference together!

Meet the Author!

You are warmly invited to join us
for a very special book signing event in Santa Monica.

Sunday, April 23  | 2 - 4 PM
Mystic Journey Bookstore

Stand Up for Students

We support California AB 1113

This important piece of proposed legislation will provide:

  • Access to expanded learning programs for older youth

  • A living wage for the expanded learning workforce

  • Accountability through statewide data collection

You can add your voice in support for AB 1113 by contacting your state assembly members.

Thank you!


April 23 | Santa Monica, CA
Heartset Education Book Signing (see above)

April 25 – 28  | Palm Springs, CA
BOOST Conference

EduCare Workshop & Meet the Author
Heartset® Education: The Radical Power of Love and Kindness in Afterschool Programs
April 27 | 10 – 12 Noon (PT)

Meet the Author | Stu Semigran, Author of Heartset® Education: A Way of Living and Learning
April 27 | 12 Noon – 1 PM (PT)

June 7-9 | Philadelphia, PA
National Community Schools & Family Engagement Conference

EduCare Workshop
Heartset® Education: Building a Culture of Caring
June 8 | 10 – 11:15 AM (ET)